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bible reading june 22

Bible reading for June 22. 

Deuteronomy 27:1 -- 28:19.

"And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the LORD your God." (Deuteronomy 28:2) 

BLESSINGS AND CURSES. Chapters 27 through 30 are the culmination of the second giving of the Law, confirming the Mosaic covenant with the people entering the promised land (27:9). Both blessings and curses are promised. The New Testament speaks of the "curse of the law", which is actually the curse of human sin, for the law reveals and aggravates sin in us (Rom 7:7-14; Gal 3:10-24). When judgment comes upon the people of Israel in subsequent history, it is in accord with what God said would happen in these chapters. God is faithful to keep his promises. What should be noted, however, is that the Lord abounds in love and is slow to anger (Ex 34:6; Num 14:18). So, as you read the OT you will see that the people of God seemed to experience more blessings than they did curses from God. The Lord is patient (2 Pet 3:9). Takeaway: have you observed in your life that the Lord is quick to bless you in some way and slow to judge you in some way (e.g., discipline)? Are you this way toward others, e.g., your spouse, children, friends, neighbors, co-workers? 


Psalms 119:1-24.

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." (Psalm 119:18) 

A HYMN TO GOD'S WORD. We will take several days to read through this psalm, which extols the blessing of God's word (cf Psalm 1). Every eight verses are comprised of couplets beginning with the same Hebrew letter.  For example, each verse in vv 1-8 begins with the letter, 'aleph. The first word in the psalm is 'asher, or "blessed".  TakeawayAs you read each verse, ask yourself: is this how I think of God's word? Is this how I value and use his Word in my life?

WORD AND SPIRIT. Verse 18 reminds us that a change must take place in us before we really enjoy divine truth.  Under the old covenant all people were obligated to obey God's revealed word, but for most people it did not change their hearts. Hearing was not mixed with faith (Heb 4:2; Rom 10:17). In the new covenant God's word is written not on stone but on human hearts (Jer 31:33; 2 Cor 3:6-8). Throughout the biblical story we see that it is the Holy Spirit who gives life to us that we might perceive, believe, and delight in God's word (Gen 1:2-3; Ezek 37:1-10; Acts 10:42-44). The Holy Spirit opens our heart to receive his word, and as we walk with him he illumines our mind to know and trust the Lord.   

TAKING A KNEE.  The images that fill the news today -- of protests, rioting, and burning buildings -- remind me of very similar scenes from fifty years ago.  Civil rights marches, the death of Martin Luther King, Jr., the riots, followed soon by anti-war protests, buildings occupied, and students being shot at Kent State. It was during this season that I lost faith in the political movement I was involved in.  Actually, I lost confidence in the human race. I lost faith in the goodness of my own heart. As I studied the Bible for the first time (starting with Ecclesiastes, then the Gospels) I began to see a leader I could really trust, really love, really follow. I met Jesus in the spring of 1971 following that season of racial and student unrest. I discovered that the heart of the problem was the problem of the heart, and that only Jesus Christ could change that. I bowed the knee to the Lord Jesus. 

A SEASON OF TESTING. During this quarantine and unrest, I believe the church in America is being tested as to our allegiance to the gospel. White Christians need to repent of racist thinking or any sense of superiority or entitlement. We also need to beware of being absorbed into a cultural narrative that is counter to God's story of redemption. Our technology has immense reach. Our discernment as a nation is at an all-time low. The news (so-called) is instantaneous in its reporting and our responses on media are immediate and impulsive. Powerful people include and exclude what we see and hear. Their stories and reporting come from a perspective and a worldview that differs radically from the perspective and worldview of God's revealed word. That is why, even at the risk of being thought irrelevant or silent or complicit or bigoted or out-of-touch or dangerous or on the wrong side of history, we need to abide in God's word (Psalm 1:2-3; John 8:31-32; Rom 12:2; Col 3:16). I'll close this post with a quote from Pastor Garrett Kell...   

"One of the most dangerous things a Christian can do right now is neglect Bible reading. 
Thousands of voices are attempting to convince you how to think.
Be certain, you are being shaped.
More Scripture, less social media.
More Bible, less books.
More prayer, less blog posts."

We are following the Robert Murray M'Cheyne (RMM) two-year reading schedule, as arranged by D. A. Carson.
Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
The NET Bible is a free, online resource, and a ministry of


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