"The Christian ought to rely on divine strength because this plan results in the greatest of advancement of God's own glory (Eph. 1:4, 12). If God had given you a lifetime supply of his grace to begin with and left you to handle your own account, you would have thought him generous indeed. But he is magnified even more by the open account He sets up in your name. Now you must acknowledge not only that your strength comes from God in the first place, but that you are continually in debt for every withdrawal of strength you make throughout your Christian course. "When a child travels with his parents, all his expenses are covered by his father-- not by himself. Likewise, no saint shall say of heaven when he arrives there, 'This is heaven, which I have built by the power of my own might.' No, the heavenly Jerusalem is a city 'whose builder and maker is God' (Heb. 11:10). Every grace is a stone in that building, the topstone of which...