Shared this with Cru study group leaders tonight: An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation Assumption : the Bible has a dual authorship: divine and human (2 Peter 2:21; 2 Tim. 3:16). Because of its human authorship it comes to us in human language and culture, and general hermeneutical principles apply (i.e., use of an historical, grammatical, rhetorical approach). Because of its divine origin it is also authoritative, with integrity (without contradiction), and inerrant in the originals. Because this is God’s revelation we must seek the ministry of the Holy Spirit for true understanding (1 Cor 2:13-16). There are three related levels, or senses, of meaning : • The Literal (historical)… what did it mean to the original hearers at that time ? • The Spiritual (theological; typological)… what does it mean for all time ? • The Moral (ethical; application)… what does it mean for us at this time ? Some basic principles : 1. Take...