"The Reformation, what's with that?" Sometimes when people ask about this, I'll draw a little sketch on a piece of paper or napkin. It's my seven-minute overview of what happened following Luther's posting of his 95 theses (points to debate) on the Castle Church door in Wittenberg on the eve of All Saints Day, 1517. This is a very rough generalization indeed... First key issue: authority . The foundation. How do we know we are right about what we believe about being right with God? The Roman Catholic church held that it was the Scriptures, but with a caveat: specifically, the Scriptures as interpreted and applied by the authority of the Church. So, to the authority base of the Bible was added the magisterium , that is, what the church, tradition, councils, and Popes officially ruled. It was the "Bible-plus." The Reformers said, no (or nay), the councils and traditions and church rulers are very important, but not infallibl