"God liberates us in order to rule us, and he rules us in order to liberate us." (Michael Horton, Pilgrim Theology) Why I gave up on Twitter and went back to Feedly . Feedly is a news (and blog) aggregator that receives and organizes posts as they are published. It's simple, chronological, and straightforward ( "just the facts" ). Twitter has become a social media platform which enhances the promotion of persons, organizations, and responses among them (example: "here's what so-and-so said about my book and how I replied, with a picture of me and a quote from me, too." ). So, I'm back to "just the facts" and I click on the links of interest and skip the online debates. This lowers one's blood pressure too! Get Feedly here. The real reason for declining attendance? Often polls and surveys are used to suggest that declining church attendance can be reversed with a few easy, organizational steps, things...