Doing a quick Kindle read of a recommended book, Simple Church by Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger. Getting some good thoughts from this, and of course, Kindle allows me to underline, and then cut and paste from my clippings text file. About halfway through here are some key highlights: Study findings: "There is a highly significant relationship between a simple church design and the growth and vitality of a local church." Sadly, most churches miss this truth. They are not simple. They have not designed a simple process for discipleship. They have not structured their church around the process of spiritual transformation. And they are making little impact. To have a simple church, you must design a simple discipleship process. This process must be clear. It must move people toward maturity. It must be integrated fully into your church, and you must get rid of the clutter around it. A simple church is designed around a straightforward and strategic process th...