I'm enjoying reading An Exhibition of the Law, the Gospel and the Holy Spirit , by Charles Simeon (1759-1836). This is a selection of sermon outlines taken from his Horae Homileticae Commentary (21 volumes). Simeon served faithfully as pastor at Holy Trinity Church in Cambridge (UK) for 53 years. The many trials and oppositions he faced are related by John Piper in "Brothers, We Must Not Mind a Little Suffering" Bishop Handley Moule's biography of Simeon can be downloaded for very little cost. It's a very readable account of the life of Charles Simeon, who is an outstanding example of faithfulness in ministry, as well as, a preacher of great simplicity, clarity, and power. Here are some highlights from Simeon's teaching on the gospel... It is the pride of the human heart which interposes the great obstacle to men's reception of the Gospel. They are averse to see the extent of their necessities: they will contend for some remnant of goodness ...