"For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts..." (Psalm 95:7-8 ESV)
"If the living God should address mankind in any fleet moment at any point in space with but a simple sentence, with even one single Thus saith the Lord! what intelligent person would not stop, look and listen? Yet in his revelation God has published news incomparably important to every generation, past and present, of momentous value to each of us who lives in this present opportunity for decision. God's disclosure for us involves not simply a definitive word about the past and a remarkable declaration about the climactic future but has superscribed a decisive now. Its dateline included today (this very day); God's disclosure is not exhausted by the revelation given once upon a time and then and there. God has your and my personal benefit in view as present-moment objects of his address. The plea 'Today if ye shall hear his voice, harden not your hearts' (Heb. 4:7 ASV; cf. Ps. 95:7-8) carries no less urgency than the banner headlines of this morning's New York Times or of some television documentary on momentous world events. God's revelation is the headline above all headlines, directed to us from the world beyond all worlds, from God himself." (Carl F. H. Henry, God, Revelation, and Authority, II:31)
[Italics in the original.]
"If the living God should address mankind in any fleet moment at any point in space with but a simple sentence, with even one single Thus saith the Lord! what intelligent person would not stop, look and listen? Yet in his revelation God has published news incomparably important to every generation, past and present, of momentous value to each of us who lives in this present opportunity for decision. God's disclosure for us involves not simply a definitive word about the past and a remarkable declaration about the climactic future but has superscribed a decisive now. Its dateline included today (this very day); God's disclosure is not exhausted by the revelation given once upon a time and then and there. God has your and my personal benefit in view as present-moment objects of his address. The plea 'Today if ye shall hear his voice, harden not your hearts' (Heb. 4:7 ASV; cf. Ps. 95:7-8) carries no less urgency than the banner headlines of this morning's New York Times or of some television documentary on momentous world events. God's revelation is the headline above all headlines, directed to us from the world beyond all worlds, from God himself." (Carl F. H. Henry, God, Revelation, and Authority, II:31)
[Italics in the original.]