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25 ways to be a servant-leader

And Jesus called them to him and said to them, "You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.  But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.  For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."  (Mark 10:42-45 ESV)

From Men's Fraternity, "the Quest for Authentic Manhood", comes a list of ways to be a "servant-leader" to our family.  (NB. This is not a check list for this week, but rather objectives for a lifetime.)

The husband has a leadership role in marriage - the role of "servant leader."

1. A servant-leader includes his wife in envisioning the future.

2. A servant-leader accepts spiritual responsibility for his family.

3. A servant-leader is willing to say "I'm sorry" and "Forgive me" to his family. 

4. A servant-leader discusses household responsibilities with his wife and makes sure they are fairly distributed.

5. A servant-leader seeks the consultation of his wife on all major financial decisions.

6. A servant-leader follows through with commitments he has made to his wife.

7. A servant-leader anticipates the different seasons his marriage will pass through.

8. A servant-leader anticipates the different stages his children will pass through.

9. A servant-leader frequently tells his wife what he likes about her.

10. A servant-leader provides financially for his family's basic living expenses.

11. A servant-leader deals with distractions so he can talk with his wife and family.

12. A servant-leader prays with his wife on a regular basis.

13. A servant-leader initiates meaningful family traditions.

14. A servant-leader plans fun outings for the family on a regular basis.

15. A servant-leader takes the time to give his children practical instruction about life, which in turn gives them confidence with their peers.

16. A servant-leader manages the schedule of the home and anticipates any pressure points.

17. A servant-leader keeps his family financially sound and out of harmful debt.

18. A servant-leader makes sure he and his wife have drawn up a will and arranged a well-conceived plan for their children in case of death.

19. A servant-leader lets his wife and children into the interior of his life.

20. A servant-leader honors his wife often in public.

21. A servant-leader explains sex to each child in a way that gives them a wholesome perspective.

22. A servant-leader encourages his wife to grow as an individual.

23. A servant-leader takes the lead in establishing with his wife sound, biblically-supportable family values.

24. A servant-leader joins a small group of men who are dedicated to improving their skills as a man, husband, and father.

25. A servant-leader provides time for his wife to pursue her own personal interests.


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