Was struck by this quote today...
"You can organize marches and make your protests. It all comes to nothing, and makes not the slightest difference to anyone. But if you have a large number of individual Christians in a nation, or in the world, then and only then can you begin to expect Christian conduct on the international and national level. I do not listen to a man who tells me how to solve the world's problems if he cannot solve his own personal problems. If a man's home is in a state of discord, his opinions about the state of the nation or the state of the world are purely theoretical." (Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Life in the Spirit)
speaking of which, Holly and I were just talking about what we should do as Christians in this community (if anything) with those fine folks from WBC. We've got some ideas. Since you've probably seen them in town more than once, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on this...