I love the quote David shared at the end of his message today. He explained...
Baptism gives us a touchstone to look back on. Our Lord knows our weaknesses and our tendency to forget. I believe that is a part of the reason He gave us both baptism and the Lord’s Supper; two outward acts that among other things serve as visible reminders of our faith and of His death and resurrection. And so as we close I leave you with this baptismal confession that Philip Henry (father of the Bible Commentator Matthew Henry) prepared for his children:
I take God to be my chief end and highest good;
I take God the Son to be my Prince and Savior;
I take God the Holy Spirit to be my sanctifier, teacher, guide, and comforter.
I take the Word of God to be my rule in all my actions and the people of God to be my people under all conditions.
I do hereby dedicate and devote to the Lord all that I am,
All that I have,
And all I can do.
And this I do deliberately, freely, and forever.