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Being Saturday

It was a great day, though I did not do much of what I had originally planned. Slept a little later. My wife had to work. It was a beautiful morning and my daughter and I sat on the porch together -- talked and listened to the birds and did some dove calls. Had breakfast with some young friends up for the InterVarsity reunion this weekend, who spent the night with us last night. Good conversation. They took off for campus, and my kids and I finished watching The Sound of Music, which is one of the all-time best movies ever.

It had really warmed up outside and so my daughter and a friend played in the sprinkler and made a mud field in the front yard. My son and I worked on reformatting a computer and I repaired a fountain pen that has not been working correctly. [See picture.] It's a beautiful green and gold Parker Striped Duofold Major, manufactured sometime betw
een 1942 and 1948. Took the feed off, cleaned it, and adjusted the nib. Now it writes beautifully, as well.

We then took off for town, met my wife, picked up Chinese take-out for dinner, came back home, visited more with one of the couples, and played foursquare with the kids in the driveway.

So... I did not make it to the spring game, nor was the motorcycle ready for riding, nor did we go car shopping... but it was a great, unhurried, puttering, family and friend-style day. No regrets.


Josh said…
sounds like an excellent day to me!
Wonderful. That is a day to remember when you're old, eh. Which you are nowhere near. You'
re a young dude. But someday when Rebecca is 40 and Gavin is a Senator, you and I will sit on some porch and spit at the fireflies. And you will say, "I remember this one Saturday when we were all still so very young..."

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