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this week 7/2

"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me."  (John 15:4 ESV) 

What does it mean to "abide in Christ"?  Sinclair Ferguson explains here.  

Happy 4th of July!  Here's a nice celebratory T-shirt... 

Not your grandparents' church.  "As Christians grapple with the fallout from the empty claims of the attractional model of church, it becomes clear: churches without grandparents are just as sick as churches with only grandparents."  (Tim Challies)  Read the article here

Another saint goes home.  Norm Geisler was instrumental in my spiritual growth at seminary and for many years beyond.  Here he gives an overview of 12 points that confirm the truth of Christianity.

What you need to know about the garden of Eden"No longer could they live in the holy sanctuary of Eden in the presence of a holy God, because they had become unholy people. But God’s intention to dwell with a holy people in a holy land could not be thwarted by human sin."  (Nancy Guthrie)  More here

Theological word of the day:  "Aseity" refers to God's self-existence, meaning that "he does not need us or the rest of creation for anything. While everything other than God depends on God for everything, God depends on no one for existence. He is absolute reality, with whom we have to reckon."  (From Theopedia)

Pen of the week.  Mabie Todd Swan model 3260, made in post-war England (1946-49), black with 14K gold semi-flex nib.  The company began in New York City in 1860.  The London office opened in 1884 and Mabie Todd pens were most successful in Great Britain. Production ceased in the 1950s.  

In "this week" I post some of the things I'm reading and thinking about, usually once a week.  To receive my posts by email you may subscribe above, just below my profile.  


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