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this week 5/20

Nations in need of prayer.  Venezuela (Amazonas Territory above) is a land of stunning beauty and great contrasts.  We spent an unforgettable week there among the Yanomamo in 1990.  All the people of Venezuela at this time need prayer and intervention.   Also pray for Christians in Burkina Faso  and for the children of North Korea.  

Are Your Prayers Like Paul's Prayers?

"Praying about health (which, if we had the chance to listen in on the prayers of Western Christians, would likely come in at number one) is rare—almost non-existent—in the Bible. So why are we praying about it so much?"  (Alistair Begg)

David Brooks’s Journey Toward Faith

"I can't unread Matthew."  (David Brooks)

It's Time to Teach our Children to Stand Up for Life  

"It’s not enough to teach our children that life is sacred from the moment of conception until natural death. We must also teach them to declare the truths of our faith in the public square. Inside the loving embrace of the family, the faithful need to raise a new generation of Christians that stands up for life and boldly proclaims their faith, understanding that no one, not even an elected official, has the right to stand in their way."  (Joe Garecht)

Three traits of James Madison

"He was an unprepossessing figure, at just over five feet tall and a hundred pounds, and had a weak voice, but no greater committee man has ever lived. In a later era he would surely have been the greatest of American Senators.  It seems to me that there are three traits that, in combination, set Madison apart from his contemporaries and from almost every leading political figure before since."  (Alan Jacobs)

What in the World Is a Worldview?  

"Understanding worldviews is an important step to having real conversations about the big questions. We can’t assume that other people see the world the same way as us. We need to ask questions to help us understand how others see the world. But we also need to ask questions about our own worldview to see if we’re going wrong anywhere."  (Tom Roberts)


ReadingThings That Matter, by Charles Krauthammer. 
AudiobookTrusting God, by Jerry Bridges. 
Music: can't get enough of "O Church Arise" 
Writing with:  Bexley 803 + Pelikan Edelstein Jade.

“If you really do say truth is subjective, that you find truth inside, then you’ve got absolutely no ability to ground your calls to justice. You’ve got nothing to build on. . . . You’ve actually just destroyed your ability to talk about any moral obligation at all.”  (Tim Keller, at TGC 2019 National Conference)

Life in a college town...


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