Found some good reading this week online. First two articles on NT church leadership:
"It is the view of the writers of the NT that Jew and Gentile united in Christ is the people of God, the royal priesthood, the chosen portion of God, and it is the job of all of us, all of us, to be a light to the nations, to be winsome so we might win some for Christ, to be priests offering this world and all that is in it back to God for as the psalmist says--- 'the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.' With the call to come to Christ comes a call to ministry, and it does not come to just some of us. It comes with the territory." From "Neither Clergy, Nor Laity" by Ben Witherington III.
"It is clear from Paul’s letter to Titus that the church was not to be a chaotic mass of people without guidance or leadership." Reid Monaghan on elders, deacons and members.
On parenting: "Why are kids leaving the church? The answer lies in parents", by Dudley Chancey, for The Christian Chronicle.
And, how would you respond if a potential son-in-law wrote, "I have now to ask, whether you can consent to part with your daughter early next spring, to see her no more in this world; whether you can consent to her departure, and her subjection to the hardships and sufferings of a missionary life..." (Adonirum Judson writing to the father of Anne, his future wife) from the Gospel Coalition blog.
Finally, on the topic of mentoring. Someone once observed from the life of the Apostle Paul that he had close relationships on three levels: Barnabas (someone older, who was a mentor & discipler), Silas (a peer and co-worker), and Timothy (someone younger, who was a disciple & protégé). So, we must ask ourselves, who is my Barnabas? my Silas? my Timothy? Howard Hendricks speaks about the necessity of mentoring relationships and gives a biblical perspective for mentors, in the video, "A Mandate for Mentoring" More audio and video on mentoring from DTS, for men and women here.
Also, Fred Smith (who passed away in 2007) was a successful businessman for many years and a speaker on leadership topics. I've always been impressed with his teaching and experiences. Many of his resources are available at Breakfast With Fred. It is worth taking the two and a half minutes necessary to listen to Fred share the difference between inheritance and legacy in the video "Fred's Legacy".
"It is the view of the writers of the NT that Jew and Gentile united in Christ is the people of God, the royal priesthood, the chosen portion of God, and it is the job of all of us, all of us, to be a light to the nations, to be winsome so we might win some for Christ, to be priests offering this world and all that is in it back to God for as the psalmist says--- 'the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.' With the call to come to Christ comes a call to ministry, and it does not come to just some of us. It comes with the territory." From "Neither Clergy, Nor Laity" by Ben Witherington III.
"It is clear from Paul’s letter to Titus that the church was not to be a chaotic mass of people without guidance or leadership." Reid Monaghan on elders, deacons and members.
On parenting: "Why are kids leaving the church? The answer lies in parents", by Dudley Chancey, for The Christian Chronicle.
And, how would you respond if a potential son-in-law wrote, "I have now to ask, whether you can consent to part with your daughter early next spring, to see her no more in this world; whether you can consent to her departure, and her subjection to the hardships and sufferings of a missionary life..." (Adonirum Judson writing to the father of Anne, his future wife) from the Gospel Coalition blog.
Finally, on the topic of mentoring. Someone once observed from the life of the Apostle Paul that he had close relationships on three levels: Barnabas (someone older, who was a mentor & discipler), Silas (a peer and co-worker), and Timothy (someone younger, who was a disciple & protégé). So, we must ask ourselves, who is my Barnabas? my Silas? my Timothy? Howard Hendricks speaks about the necessity of mentoring relationships and gives a biblical perspective for mentors, in the video, "A Mandate for Mentoring" More audio and video on mentoring from DTS, for men and women here.
Also, Fred Smith (who passed away in 2007) was a successful businessman for many years and a speaker on leadership topics. I've always been impressed with his teaching and experiences. Many of his resources are available at Breakfast With Fred. It is worth taking the two and a half minutes necessary to listen to Fred share the difference between inheritance and legacy in the video "Fred's Legacy".