I especially enjoy weddings which bring cultures together in Christ. I've been involved with mixes of American, Chinese, Indian, Malaysian, and today Turkish. This is a precious couple who said their vows in two languages. Here is the groom's words:
Seni seviyorum ve biliyorum ki bu sevgi Tanri’dan geliyor. Bu nedenle kocan olmayi istiyorum. Beraberce Tanri’nin sevgisi ile hizmetinde olacagiz, boylece hayatimizin butun alanlarinda Isa Mesih baskin olacak. Mevcut zorluklar ve gelecegin bilinmezligi icinde bile sana sadik olmaya soz veriyorum. Ikimiz de hayatta oldugumuz surece Isa Mesih’in inananlari sevdigi gibi ben de seni sevmeye, korumaya ve yol gostermeye soz veriyorum. Incil Efesliler 5’e gore ve Tanri’nin verdigi guc ile sana Isa Mesih’in ugrunda can vererek inananlara gosterdigi sevgiyi gostermek ve tek vucut olmak icin seni kendimin bir parcasi gibi sevmeye soz veriyorum. Ve hayatim boyunda, onumuzde ne olursa olsun, kendimi sana sevecen ve sadik bir koca olmaya adiyorum.
[Translation:] I love you, and I know that God has ordained this love. Because of this I desire to be your husband. Together we will be vessels for His service in accordance with His plan, so that in all areas of our life Christ will have the pre-eminence. Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future, I promise to be faithful to you. I promise to love, guide, and protect you as Christ does His Church, and as long as we both are alive. According to Ephesians 5 and with His enabling power, I promise to endeavor to show to you the same kind of love as Christ showed the Church when He died for her, and to love you as a part of myself because in His sight we shall be one. And so throughout life, no matter what may lie ahead of us, I pledge to you my life as a loving and faithful husband.