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Obsessed with sex

Is the whole world obsessed with sex, or is it just our society? Polygamous mormons, pedophile priests, and that perverted Austrian dungeon of evil. Many would blame men in general, or testosterone, or religion, or more specifically, fundamentalism.

But it's not just the men. See The big list: Female teachers with students.

And now my daughter's hero, Hannah/Miley is going the way of sensuality, photographed by a female photographer who specializes in the racy, and with her father in the picture.

Miranda Devine, with the Sydney Morning Herald, writes (May 1):

Every artist wants to subvert hypocrisy and artifice. And childhood, after all, is the ultimate artificial construction. It exists only because responsible adults deliberately set out to protect children from predators and situations their young brains are not yet wired to deal with.

But in an era in which all taboos must be broken, the reigning philosophy is that every truth must be told, every emotion liberated, no matter how destructive, or unreasonable, because there is nothing worse than repression.

Well - news flash - yes, there are worse things: child neglect, sexual abuse, childhoods cut short, depression, eating disorders, academic failure, violence against women, and all other manifestations of the premature sexualisation and objectification of girls in our culture.

That Billy Ray was present through most of the photo shoot and even posed for a snap with his daughter is no surprise to those familiar with 21st century permissive parenting.

The rest of the article here.

Is this what's happening / been happening:

"Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen." (Romans 1:24-25)


Anonymous said…
Yea, I think so. May God have mercy on us.
Unknown said…
I recall a article that reported a survey which stated that something like 95% of American people under 30 yrs. of age had sex before marriage. Granted, the article you've discussed wasn't strictly about sex but such activity is the end game here.

Anyways, any notion of chastity as something virtuous appears to be far from the American mind. I suppose this is the end game of believing that we're animals-might as well act like one!

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